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peace with the world. It is easier to get in touch with plant spirits in an environment like this and easier to make contact with your own spirituality when you are not trying to manage a busy urban lifestyle.


This really is just commonsense but some people who choose to try plant medicines don’t realise that three important factors need to be in place to reap the full benefit of the experience. First it is necessary to find a shaman with knowledge and integrity; secondly, a natural setting is important which enable you to break away from everyday life and thirdly you must set clear intentions. An intention to get to know yourself and to accept the teachings of the plants, no matter how harsh they may seem at first, is a good place to start. Ask the plants “Who am I” and expect an honest answer.


Ayahuasca and San Pedro are not ‘miracle cures’ but they certainly open our minds and hearts and offer a more successful alternative to Western methods of treating addictions. They also put the responsibility – and the power – for healing back on to the individual, giving the addict clarity about the cause of his addictive behaviour and the possibility of choosing a more beneficial way of being in this world.



Tracie Thornberry is a counsellor specialising in drug and addictions therapy. Professionally trained and qualified she integrates shamanism, plant spirit medicine and work with ayahuasca and San Pedro into her therapeutic programmes to lead people to wellness through her Tranquilo Addictions Release Program.


Tranquilo operates at The Hummingbird Healing Centre in Iquitos, Peru, which Tracie founded and runs with Ross Heaven, the author of

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