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Sacred Sex
by shanan

The Sacred Act of Being Human!

MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Meeting, Embracing and Exploring the Divine Human Being What do you think about being human? (Sincerely, unequivocally, unreservedly totally human?) Have you ever really given it serious contemplation or have you merely taken your divine origin for granted? You are a Master of Divine Essence who has simply forgotten your authentic celestial heritage. “…Let us make them in our image…” (Paraphrased) IF, in fact, you are a celestial being covered in mortal flesh and, “…the word was made flesh to dwell among us…” (Paraphrased), then how are you conducting yourself as the enamored vessel you are? What does being an authentic human being encompass? Would it involve the exchange of equal energy for services rendered, never asking, seeking or expecting to be treated special or with favor? What about being present in all of your ‘natural and convenient’ dealings? To be genuinely human, you would offer no barrier in superfluous demeanor. You would have no need to. “…Did I not say that ye are gods…?” (Paraphrased) You would not be limited, restricted, restrained or controlled by another in any way, shape form or fashion. Nor would you try to manipulate, coerce, entangle, or bind another to you. I’ll break it down for you. You would be completely and utterly real for the duration of the time spent here on planet Earth.

There would be no need to impress or be impressed. You would stop trying to be something you are not comfortable with and pretending to care about. “..No respecter of persons…” (Paraphrased) You would only be as interested in another and concerned with the welfare if did not interfere nor supersede your own interests. This authentic action alone would totally eliminate any further

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