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resentment, guilt, and or remorseful regret. In order to be the best (purest) human you could possibly be, you would not do anything you didn’t want to do, ever.A sacredly endowed human being feels no obligation, duty or responsibility for another, “…I and my father are one…”(Paraphrased) Being true to the humaneness in yourself, begins at the moment when you feel no inclination to imitate or duplicate the actions, thoughts or ideas of the other. A sharing of your feelings is permitted, in as much as it is not motivated to sway, convince or sway another person. Humans are alive to be unfolding naturally in each moment with no need to falsify actions for possible gain or benefit. Never should an occasion arise when the NEED or desire to ‘be like’ another person subsist. There are no selected heroes. All sanctified humans share that exclusive right and honor embodying the flesh covered spirit in existence.

Learning to be ‘ordinary’ reveals the extraordinary gifts, talents and abilities encased in each one. A blending of the two distinct (celestial/earth) selves occurs at birth with the remainder of life unveiling the designated path of innately generated artistic ability. Humans remain unchanged throughout the various earth episodes. The soul craves authentic earth experience but is unaltered by it. Seasons change; people don’t. “…If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself…” (Paraphrased)

Humans are courteous, respectful, and reverent but not because they are taught but because they do nothing for preconceived reasons. NEVER take for granted the affiliation

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