The Scope of What?s Beyond
Knowing what is beyond your vision important? If it is, “how do we know what is beyond ours vision?” This is a great question to ask yourself. I will explain it in this way, “what is beyond your vision is the outcome and the fulfillment in details. All the things that come from your fulfilling your vision, and the things that emanate from those things are in the scope of your vision. The reason that this is such a good question is that, “there is no end to it!” You may proceed to the highest degree, which no mortal can ever know! That is the beauty; we can build on something by adding, and developing it into things to solve problems, fulfill needs, provide cures, or just for entertainment value. The remarkable thing is, “we have a choice in the matter.” We do not have to leave it to chance, or some windfall, nor in the stars, palm reading, and animal sacrifice or on the psychic network.
There are three magical words that I would like for you to remember, they are, “It’s on me.” “It’s on us and every one of us!” It has been reported that Julius Caesar told Brutus, “it is not in our stars that we are underlings, but in ourselves.” I recall the cartoon/movie, (Space Jam) with Michael Jordan as a boy out in the back yard while the stars were shining bright, shooting basketball. His father came outside and essentially asks young Michael to finish and come inside. Before Michael came in, he looks up and imagines, (believed) that he could reach the rim in flight. Well, we all know the Michael Jordan legend, because that is just what he did as an adult! Jordan seemed to fly across the sky of the stadiums around that country, and no one could stop him. He had a vision to not only be the best, but
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