to go “beyond” that, by getting and being better all the time.
The scope of his great vision was wide and he would seem to go to that special place inside of him and pull out some of those moves and maneuvers, “to his opponents dismay.” Like I said earlier, “we all have vision dreams and hopes; some of us have grand plans just to make a lunch for work, but never act on our visions otherwise. How will you ever know what you can do if you don’t look into your scope, look inside your being, look at who you are and who you want to be. Use every fiber in your being to manifest your visions in open view. Adjust your scope, “if the picture is a little cloudy.” There is nothing wrong with adversity or some hardship. What is wrong is, “giving up” or “giving in” to the encumbrances of life and the challenging, trying times, your vision and your scope to see them and go over them are all there. You have to be there! Be there, and be ready to take on the things that come your way. I am hear to tell you and to remind myself that, “we are all destined for greatest,” but, if our determination to succeed is not great enough, we will never reach our destinies. So what if we step to different beats, or the music we hear is not the same as the person to our right or left! We are on a visionary quest; the drive for excellence will only be quenched when we understand and act on it. If the will to succeed is strong enough, “we will win!” We will win with certainty!
Tamir Qadree is an Author, Speaker and Dynamic Success/Life Coach. The love and peace, that he inspires is not only contagious, his style is inimitable and new! He has a passion for assisting and developing others through his books, live engagements, and audio products. To learn more visit and
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