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The Secrets Of An Effective Shaman Pve Guide

Shamans, more than any other Hybrid class are one of the toughest classes to put your finger on and say “they do that”. At any given time, a Shaman might do just about anything in a raid, providing a wide array of different attacks against just about anyone that comes your way. To effectively play a Shaman though, you are going to need a Shaman PvE Guide that goes through the basics of the class, how the totems work, and which specs will be expected to do which things.

The Many Uses of a Shaman

In a raid, a Shaman has a lot of purposes. Ignoring your spec and what attacks you may have, there is the issue of all those totems, including poisons removal, spell removal, interrupts, and much more. Shamans have a lot of different powers as a semi-casting class and they are brought along to use those powers. Your ability to manage those totems is going to be what ultimately decides how good you are as a Shaman.

So, a Shaman PvE Guide needs to spend a great deal of time discussing those totems, what they do, the rotation you should maintain, and how to keep them in mind as you play your other role. In addition to totems, you should focus on your other abilities including the buffs you offer to the raid, especially the weapons buffs that other players may rely on.

What a Shaman PvE Guide Says About Your Talents

A good Shaman PvE Guide should

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