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showing that outer experiences of joy or sadness are caused by energy moving in the deep spine. But yoga doesn’t teach this concept as a dogma. It says: “Try it! Experience it!” For everyone who has tried it, has experienced it.

When our energy is uplifted in the spine we begin to approach divine consciousness. But in the beginning of our spiritual quest, we encounter what might be called “gates” or “doors” (words often used to describe the seven chakras) that need to be unlocked.

Locating the Chakras

The spinal centers, or chakras, are found at the points where tributary streams of energy (prana or life force) from the body join the upward flow of energy in the deep or astral spine. The astral, or energy, spine is not the backbone (those knobs that can be felt along the back), but runs more or less through the center of the body. Energy flows through the central nervous system and through the astral spine. In our unawakened state, the main energy-flow is downward, away from the brain, and outward to the organs and limbs.

The chakras correspond to the spinal plexuses in the physical body, from which nerves branch out to provide energy to the different body parts. As we go deeper in meditation and prayer, uplifting our consciousness, the energy begins to flow upward in the spine. Try to feel this internal “river of life” at your center as the location of the chakras.

First Chakra

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is also called the muladhara, or coccyx center. From this center radiate the nerves that go to the lower parts of the body: the anus, and the legs.

Second Chakra

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