An inch and a half above the first chakra is the swadisthana, or sacral center. The nerves from this center operate the reproductive system.
Third Chakra
Opposite the navel in the astral spine is the manipura, or lumbar center, the nerves from which operate the digestive system and all the internal organs and glands in the abdominal cavity (spleen, liver, kidneys, adrenals, etc.).
Fourth Chakra
At the region of the heart in the spine is the anahata, or dorsal center, from which nerves radiate out to the heart, lungs, and chest, and into the arms and hands.
Fifth Chakra
The vishudha, or cervical center, from which nerves radiate to the throat, neck, and vocal chords, is opposite the throat in the spine.
Sixth Chakra
The highest spinal center is located in the medulla oblongata, at the base of the brain just above the place where the skull connects with the neck. Its positive pole is the ajna chakra, at the point between the eyebrows. The medulla oblongata is the center through which cosmic energy feeds the entire body with prana (life force or conscious cosmic energy).
Seventh Chakra
The sahasrara chakra, is located in the cranium, at the top of the head. This center is traditionally known as the thousand-petaled lotus, or crown chakra.
Functions of the Chakras
In addition to their physical functions, the chakras store and distribute energy and information. They also serve as the location of our psychological or mental tendencies, habits, and desires. In fact, the astral spine is a long, downward extension of the subconscious