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spiritual realm; they have wonderful vivid imaginations, and many have imaginary friends. Children become completely entranced with other realities; they easily talk to trees, sing to flowers, see magical kingdoms in sparkling sand, and physically “see” spirits. Kids see and communicate with spirit beings quite naturally.

Unfortunately, these fabulous encounters with the spirit realm are categorized as imaginations and are often stifled as children grow up and conform to society. Family, school, church, and other external forces of the culture shape their beliefs and responses. Mothers lovingly but with authority, say, “Now honey, you should not lie. There really is not anyone sitting next to you. Rocks do not have mouths and they cannot really talk.” The fabulous, magical, fun, mystical connections are lost or blocked. What the spirits have taught me about imagination is that it is actually a gift from Spirit, it is how we as humans create and that Spirit is providing us with an avenue to creation and connection that our psyche will accept.

Imagination connects you back into the magical, mystical worlds of Spirit you once knew as a child. When I work with people in journeying they will often say, “I feel like I am making the whole thing up, like it is just my imagination.”

And I say, “Good.” Trust it and let’s see what happens.

Imagination is the portal in. It gives permission to the psyche (your limited mind) to experience something that is out of the realm of what you would call an ordinary experience, or real. Because of conditioning, you are extremely limited by your own perception of what you define as real. If the imagination can travel further into the realm of the

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