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The Significance of Reversed Tarot Cards In Tarot Readings

There tends to be an overall apprehension when interpreting reversed tarot card meanings in Tarot readings. Typically, many Tarot readers and reference books tend to believe reversed card positions are more negative in nature. What people fail to recognize, however, is that reversed cards often provide us with the solutions that we have been seeking. They reveal what behaviors we must become aware of and, in some cases, reference important influences we may not necessarily been conscious of. They always encourage a shift in one’s perspective.

All of the cards have unique reversed meanings which are subject to interpretations. Some people find this particularly uncomfortable due their off-putting associations. However, more often than not, reversed cards tend to reveal important clues to our current challenges and situations. In Tarot readings, they reveal delays, frustrations, misdirected energy and uncertainty. Discovering why you may be experiencing such obstacles certainly helps you explore the areas you need to change. More importantly, they can help you as a Tarot reader; giving you guidance as to how you might help those you are reading for. They serve as wake up calls and disclose the areas in which someone may need to pay closer attention.

In most Tarot readings, reversed cards tend to also highlight blocked energy. Often they represent the areas in which growth is being prohibited. The true question lies in what one must do to work through these blocks. Energetic blocks tend to come from one’s emotions, psychology, past trauma, or spiritual stagnation. We all have them and they are there to encourage us to find our own inner harmony and balance. Energetic blocks serve a purpose. In some cases they protect

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