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The Source Code® chronicles the real life story of a young woman whos path is forever changed after visiting the ancient Mayan Pyramid of Uxmal. From deep feelings of being alone to overwhelming feelings of complete connectedness, this intimate full-circle journey takes you from the jungles of Tikal, to the pyramids of Egypt, and to the living rooms of some of the Worlds leading experts. Her search for inner-knowledge leads her to uncovering profound ancient secrets…ancient secrets that will have a deep impact on the way we view each other and the World we live in today.

So many subscribers have asked how they can channel their guides, higher self or higher light extra terrestrial beings. The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine talk you through a Meditation-Vision Quest which they describe as a stepping stone to meeting the higher dimensional beings. Magenta Pixie channels the Nine via direct voice channeling for this and not automatic writing. Music By Kevin Macleod. Kind thanks to “Catzmagick Productions” for editing this video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

39 Responses to The SOURCE CODE Trailer (5:22) NEW!!!

  • ObzidianKnife says:

    @BenSTA09 it’s just a hippie making some video

  • BenSTA09 says:

    @ObzidianKnife is this for real it seems like some kind of viral marketing

  • ObzidianKnife says:

    be respectful by doing more research on that structure u were standing in front of…it’s not a pyramid…those are in Egypt. either way…the elder that told u “respect” is the key…learn from him…and be careful what u post…also one ov ur male interviewees…was wearing a female embroidered top…in our societies we wear according to our gender and take that serious… and I have no problem with gay or lesbians but, even they know which is which…out of respect…thank u for trying

  • hoinky says:


  • InternetAndDigital says:

    was that Hunbatz Mem is seen in your It certainly looks like you have followed a most interesting path Liz…far from those early discusions on sacred geometry. Have you read the Mayan Factor by Jose Arguelles..amazing book with some insight though a bit dry and demanding on the concentration in places. did I ask you that before? .. Wishing you all the best over the festive season from Rain town. T x

  • SpatialAnomoly says:

    From the 3rd to the 5th

  • moonwarrior5 says:

    Not every one is noticing the change that’s going on. I became aware when my fourth son was born. Michael Tsarion say’s that those of us who are in the experiencing of this have been invited to this happening. I thought this also, because when I talk to a lot of people they look at me like I am nuts. When I heard Mr Tsarion say this on Coasttocoastam. I was shocked. Yes some of us have been invited to something very big.

  • wumedia says:

    keep the film alive…

  • love1light says:


  • psybinetic says:

    Strangely innervating – thank you.

  • rainbowrider2012 says:

    * * * * *

  • RamonaTeo says:

    i can’t wait!

  • Selasia says:

    Is this “Source Code” film going to be “open source” aka “free culture”?

    Free culture and free distribution is one of major shifts of Human awareness that is happening right now.

  • Bionicpix says:

    Lookin’ good! Interesting stuff here.

  • ReyWey says:

    La idiotez humana siempre busca caminos cada vez mas extraños. Lo peor es que, al parecer, es contagiosa.

  • galacticoazul1 says:

    tengo una duda como es posible meditar como comienzo que hago ayudaaa, nunca lo he hecho pero siento la necesidad por que por alguna razon algo en mi me dice que lo haga pero no se como empezar auxilio una respuesta rapida

  • piedrita79 says:

    hola;yo tengo muchas dudas empece a escuchar el video y me dio mucha tristesa muchas ganas de llorar, alguien me puede decir porque.

  • flordelis244 says:

    me encanta, esto si es divinidad, voy a ver si es cierto, lo voy a probar

  • ANDRESHEAVY878 says:

    @laruanamexico Hola:) Sencillo tienes que sentir al Ser superior o al ser que te esta hablando, lo identificas cuando realmente lo vez y sabes que es verdad, si No es producto de tus deseos y emociones. Lo ideal es que lo hagas en un espacio donde aquel Ser pueda intervenir, apagando tus Egos he imprimiendo pensamientos de vienvenida. saludes

  • josepinillosv says:

    El tic, tic, tic,… es el sonido alfa.

  • ranasta73 says:

    muy bueno

  • eidr8 says:

    imaginacion o hechos?

  • AI2flesh says:

    Tachyon is my baby… don´t touch her… I will keep her warm… my ego… lol

  • AI2flesh says:

    remember ya watch dog(s) or you end in wrong hands..

  • karnak5 says:

    Porque la realidad la haces tú, el pensamiento crea, la duda crea, la imaginación crea.

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