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(without placing our well-being in their hands) we will draw to ourselves more good will. These are but a few examples of Universal Law.

” Is the glass half full or half empty; are you a nasty, miserable, pessimistic, unhappy, and self-centered being…a “looking after number one” kind of person? Or are you a generous, unlimited, caring, selfless, positive, unconditionally loving kind of person? However you choose to perceive yourself, then so you will be. And so you will act, and so will be your destiny. Your perception is both your reality and your choice. If you can learn to make this choice you will be an awakened soul and enlightenment will come easily.” (from The 7 AHA’s of Highly Enlightened Souls, by Mike George)

The third principle of spiritual intelligence is nonattachment. Knowing who and what you are, knowing that by Universal Law, you are responsible, you become unattached to specific outcomes or to the thoughts and feelings of others. This does not mean you don’t care. You care, but your well-being doesn’t come from other people or situations. This mindset of nonattachment, this spiritual intelligence, makes you strong and stable.

In non attachment you are free of stress. Stress is all about trying to control what you cannot control. The weather, other people’s opinions, the stock market, other people’s actions, are all things you cannot control. If you have strong expectations about these things you are attached. When things don’t go your way, you feel pain, hurt, anger, or frustration. You become stressed. The answer to stress is not in a pill or a drink. It is in your own mind. All stress is caused within your mind. It is all about your expectations.


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