They are a shining light, with no concern for what they are “getting” from others. Their focus is on what they are giving. And by Law, they are receiving what they are giving.
“Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect. A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else. Powerful people are powerful influences…. All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus. You are a nucleus.”
The Tao of Leadership, by John Heider
When you find yourself frustrated with others, with life, with yourself–step back. Remind yourself that you are much more than this. Remind yourself that you are of Spirit, and that this person you think is you, is just a small part of the greater you. Quiet your mind and allow inspiration to flow. Breathe and let go of stress, and ask to see your world as Spirit would see your world. Allow your thoughts to be guided by the peaceful, loving, and powerful presence within you. Envision positive outcomes for all concerned without becoming attached to what outcomes should be. Refuse to take the negativity of others personally, and become instead, a shining light. Live from your deepest values and allow the still small voice of intuition and inspiration to guide you.
William Frank Diedrich is a speaker, executive coach, and the author of three books. He offers online classes in prosperity and leadership. To learn more about William’s services and writings go to or to