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and disciples to carry on with his work. The film by the director and disciple, Peter Brooks, based on the life of the great man as expressed in one of his very few books, entitled, “Meetings with Remarkable Men” is a classsic example of the finesse and pursuit of perfection, that Sufi training can produce. Not all those who contacted Gurdjieff and met his gaze with reproof, were so lucky as at least one unfortunate suicide and a great writer, Kathleen Mansfield, was attributed to dialogue with him. Isadora Duncan, Lenin, the celebrity surgeon Kenneth Walker whose book Diagnosis of Man revolutionized social thinking on the subject and myriads of others who gravitated to his teaching centres were left in no doubt about his capability through music and dance and assymetrical dialogue. The concept , was a form of anti-habit teaching which put the person in control of those centres of impulsive behaviour. The strengthening of the positive and constructive psychological patterns and the development of the clarity of objective analysis paved the way for an enhanced sense of living. In more ways than one, the much maligned Scientology training, at least that under the founder Hubbard, had very Sufi connotations in style and content. Gurdjieffs favourite expression was -” coating the upper self “- which although encompassing a mountain of potential interpretations was part of the symbolical tease that like the Tibetan contemplative patterns was supposed to set the path to self knowledge and the release of the energy required for ambitious and socially contributive pursuits. There is no shadow of doubt that most of Gurdjieff´s disciples

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