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Solomon and not of Saul, the king of Israel, has never been properly identified. The only other people to have inhabited the place, were the Jebussites from which the Judeans had taken the place militarily.

The exclusively Sufi  connotation of the Ishmaelis is not quite correct , since the word clearly implies the wisdom they nurture and some asiatic tribes and cultures like the Etruscan whose symbol was the Rose (or hidden knowledge), carried a similar tradition. Like most ancient titles or apellatives, they are descriptive terms. However it is clear that we can utilize the word with respect to Ishmaeli training or association. There was also a city of knowledge in what is now Northern Turkey and from which, there are signs, the Etruscans took their name – a fact mentioned by Professor Higgins. There are also chronicles of the period that state that Hassan of Alamut took his basic training in the region and that Alexander the Great also travelled to the Caucasian Mountains for a mystical  initiation. The fact that the Sufis were very inclined towards an intense study of nature and life forces, gave them the mystic appelation and both sound and dance was a formidable avenue in that direction. The Ishamelis set up universities or teaching houses in both Cairo and Alexandria to which many western institutions like the Jesuits went for the advanced psycological and formative training for which they were much admired. The mere fact that such stalwarts of the Christian faith should be seen closely allied to what in the first instance is an Islamic cult, provides us with good indicators of the respect that the breakaway Shiite group was held by mayor Western institutions. Without doubt the knowledge was much

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