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least one, was a member of his own family. If Kings and warlords had not stood up to the Church’s power over their citizens, this would have never happened, but the Church temporal or rather the guardians of their worldly goods already had enough enemies to guarantee keeping it in perpetual conflict, unless of course they could educate the masses in time. The love courts and the massive educational establishments which followed, worked alongside the new mountains of stone structures which the Church establishment had been promised in return. If one were to talk about bread and circus in the general sense of the phrase, this was one of licenced entertainment for the aristocracy and guarded teaching for an emerging administrative class.  Effectively what was happening was that the old world of religious dogmatism was coming to an end. Conversely, the need to teach humanity and create controls against the feudal barons and emerging royal powers as ground support, through understanding, rather than punishment,was the channel to follow. The channel was no other than the Sufi way – the way that the Church authorities were to use so skilfully and which the Knights Templar established the platform for. “Truth will set you free” was the original Christian message which had been subdued but which was from that point onwards, became the Sufi contribution to the incredible developments that changed the face of the Western way of life. The shock troops that the Church Authorities had imagined would result from such training despite the inbuilt concept of killing, were not to turn out as useful as they thought they would be. The Templars could manouvre diplomatically and commercially but they could only fight against a non Christian enemy and only in self

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