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of these historical events have been the subject of unsatisfactory investigations but there is no doubt that all the chessboard figures of the day had one thing in common – to recover and apply lost knowledge and to establish an international state based on Divine and mortal agencies subjecting mankind to a uniformity the likes of which have only been seen in China. The very quest would in time cause the Church to change horses mid stream as the system went askew. The return to the wicked ways of old by degenerating educational means and utilising poverty, fear and supertitition to harness fiscal power for war against the new so called heretics was always round the corner as a means of control. In that context, both Islam and The Christian Church went their own independent ways, agreeing to differ and to uphold each others’ manner of doing things. Why, because in essence one knew too much about the other and both were in many ways fruits of the same loom. It had taken the  Ummayed family of Damascus and Baghdad a whole generation to establish the benefits of applied knowledge to create the foundations of an international religious state in Spain which put Christian social developments to shame. The Templars, despite religious pressures, refused, curiously, to displace their successors, the Ishmaeli Fatimids and it would take the Northern states of Spain under Isabella of Castile and Fernando of Aragon three hundred years later to carry out the removal of both Muslims and Jews from the Iberian Peninsular. The Catholic Monarchs with little money under their belts, had no option but to sell their souls to the Vatican and let in the Horses of the Apocalypse in the form of the most savage and satanical of barbarities that would place every thinking

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