massage with warm oil that is rubbed over the entire body. One partner may do this one night and the other partner the next night. It seems as that end result may be the person is so relaxed that they fall asleep.
There are certain methods that are described for partners engaging in this type of massage which are much like the way one would stimulate or arouse another partner, depending whether they are working on the Yoni or the Lingam. In some instances this could be therapeutic in cases of an inability to perform during sex.
The therapeutic massage at a spa is not the same as a therapeutic massage in a clinic situation. In this case the massage is often used for chronic pain or health issues. It would be used for sports injuries or repetitive stress injuries. The masseuse would have specific training for in giving relief for specific tissue injuries. This type of massage would be performed frequently for a period of time until the injury has improved. If often requires a clinical assessment before any procedures are performed. The point being wellness.
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