The Tetragram – Dogma Geburah Chesed Porta Librarum Elementa
IN Nature there are two forces producing equilibrium, and these three constitute
a single law. Here, then, is the triad resumed in unity, and by adding the conception
of unity to that of the triad we are bought to the tetrad, the first square
and perfect number, the source of all numerical combinations and the principle of
all forms. Affirmation, negation, discussion, solution: such are the four philosophical
operations of the human mind. Discussion conciliates negation with affirmation
by rendering them necessary to each other. In the same way, the philosophical
triad, emanating from the antagonism of the duad, is completed by the tetrad, the
four-square basis of all truth. According to consecrated dogma, there are Three
Persons in God, and these Three constitute one only Deity. Three and one provide
the conception of four, because unity is required to explain the three. Hence, in
almost all languages, the name of God consists of four letters, and in Hebrew
these four are really three, one of them being repeated twice, that which expresses
the Word and the creation of the Word.
Two affirmations make two corresponding denials either possible or necessary.
The fact of being is affirmed, and that of nothingness is denied. Affirmation as
Word produces affirmation as realization or incarnation of the Word, and each of
these affirmations corresponds to the denial of its opposite. Thus, in the opinion
of the Kabalists, the name of the demon or of evil is composed of the same letters
as the Name of God or goodness, but spelt backwards. This evil is the lost reflection
or imperfect mirage of light in shadow. But all which exists,
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