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unity in ways that have never before been seen on the Earth. This need comes both as the result of the current global crises, which require concerted effort on the part of all people, and also as the result of the spiritual evolutionary process which seeks to move into the next level of growth and awareness, embracing both the full individuality and uniqueness of each soul, and also the unity and Oneness of all souls and all embodied life.

In the new times that are arriving, spirituality will be understood not as separate from physical life, but as the foundation, essence and core of physical life. Spirituality will not be an “extra’ pursuit that people pursue as recreation, or solely as the means to help deal with challenging life circumstances; it will become an essential component of all choices, activities and directions that are taken.

Changes are happening even now, to the Earth and to our physical bodies, that will make possible a much more integrated, harmonious and peaceful way of life. These changes may not be immediately apparent to us on a conscious level, as there is so much purification and transformation happening in our daily lives that much of our attention is focused on simply getting through each day, and in dealing with the hefty challenges before us. You may be able to perceive these changes through your dreams, or through the quiet whisperings of your intuition, that speak of the new times that are ahead.

It is important to understand that times of massive change also bring many challenges, and emotions of fear, uncertainty, and a feeling of being lost and without a sense of security. Now is the time to create within yourself an inner connection with your own soul essence and

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