“The Underground Stream: Esoteric Tarot Unveiled” by Christine Payne-Towler is a work of pseudo-history! Book Review. “Payne-Towler’s history and theory are the weakness of the book, and in a book which is presented primarily as history and theory, this concern becomes overwhelming. My main complaint is that she sets out with a far-fetched theory to prove and an axe to grind and then deliberately skews and selects ‘evidence’ to accomplish same. I actually loved her rampant speculation, but I loathed being repeatedly ‘tricked’ into assuming claims were fact with faulty logic, uncited research, and sometimes outright deception. She is adamantly uncritical of sources, and willing to reference any author in print anywhere who supports her theory, often ignoring contradictory opinions from more respected authors. The thing is, I didn’t mind that she couldn’t prove her wackier claims, but I minded greatly that she kept trying to fool her readers into thinking they were both provable and proven.” Complete review here: www.aeclectic.net Original “Hitler farts” video here: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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