THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-The american metaphysical circus
PublishedAugust 20, 2010
the Lysergic Acid version by psychedelatrip…animation by vince collins Video Rating: 4 / 5
Just a bodyboard video,but I love the song.Beautiful things dont die…..I think I might be mortal then.Hope you like it Edit:I dont know why the hell the resolution is that poor.It looks realy bad 8(.The one where I uploaded it from it is much better Video Rating: 4 / 5
41 Responses to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-The american metaphysical circus
1.13 tremenda mortal loco! aguante mar del plata argentina!!
2:08… What a dumb ass surfer
this was originally shot on pre-digital and released as a VHS back in the 90’s, so of course the quality is poor.
2:08 !!!!!, el surfista quedoo looocoo!!!!, con el weon volandoo!!
i agree with the others quality is poor
What sucks is the video quality!! Very poor, sorry!
Xaxo señores alguien sabe como se llama la cancion de la parte en la k sale ardiel? gracias xD
dommage, quality is shity, but awesome moves, waves & riders
ESo si Que es una Ola Canarionaa jajaj
CanaRyyy PoWeRRR YEah!!
Yep,the song is by haven.
I think I ll try to upload it again ,in order to get more quality
canary rullez!
nice song! i think its by”haven” ,looks like a good video
songs shit