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The Wiccan and the Ghosts of Haunted Fort Lauderdale


“I am a Wiccan and I believe in the after life,” says Scarlet Aslan, one of the new guides at Ghosts, Mysteries and Legends of Old Fort Lauderdale. “And no, Aslan, is not a name I adopted from the Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis. It is the name I was born with.” And it works for her – part mystery and part magic . This odd character trait gives her an advantage other ghost tour guides do not have.

“I believe in the afterlife,” she says, “and that is a part of my daily life. The spirits are always with me. As they are with all of us.”

She adds, “Ghosts have felt the need to reveal themselves to me since I was four years old. My first visitation was a great aunt. I didn’t realize she was a ghost until I told my mom about the lady in my room. My mom gathered up the old photo albums and asked me to show her who was in my room. The lady I selected was my great aunt who had passed three days before I was born.”

The Wiccan and the Ghost Tour. How can you go wrong? A guide from which one can get a proper introduction to the world of spirit, an integral part of her way of life. Not your usual ghost tour guide.

Just after the sun sets, she awaits members of the tour on the NE corner of Las Olas and Andrews in downtown Fort Lauderdale. She is easily spotted. She says, “I wear the usual attire for a female ghost tour guide: black dress, cape, top hat and I carry a lantern.” But there is more. Every night she carries several aides to connect her tour with the nether world. These include semi-precious stones,

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