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The Works of Thomas Boston (12 Volume Set) Part 1 of 2—12-Volume-Set.html

Welcome to the Still Waters Revival Books video book summary for “The Works of Thomas Boston” – 12 Volume Set by Thomas Boston Part 1 of 2

“One of the most valuable sets of all time, Boston’s Works have been read and re-read ever since their first publication in the 18th century” (Joel Beeke’s Reformation Heritage Books email of Aug. 27, 2002).

“By common consent Boston takes rank in the highest class of our practical religious writers; and in respect of spiritual usefulness his works have largely followed him. Except the Shorter Catechism and the Pilgrim’s Progress, no book, perhaps, has contributed so much to mould the religious character of Scotland as his Fourfold State” (F.C. Magazine, VI, p. 256 as cited in Johnston, “Treasury of the Scottish Covenant,” p. 479).

Ian Tallach, in the Foreword to “The Beauties of Thomas Boston” (p. xii) states,

“Of the many great divines who have adorned the ecclesiastical and theological scene in Scotland, Thomas Boston must be reckoned as among the greatest. Dr. Andrew Thomson who wrote Thomas Boston: His Life and Times, asserts that ‘if Scotland had been searched during the earlier part of the eighteenth century there was not a minister of Christ within its bounds who, alike in personal character and in the discharge of his pastoral functions, approached nearer the apostolic model than did this man of God.'”

Dr. James Hamilton writes,

“Thomas Boston whose peaceful walk with God is not yet forgotten in Ettrick Forest, and whose writings, originally designed for his own shepherds, are now praised in all the churches, and

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