Theory of civilization and islam
Theory of civilization
Civilization is the natural prerequisite of human beings. Its filaments sprout from inside men. A man is not dependent on outer help for the growth of civilization. If a couple is left in an island, it will raise the structure of civilization. A civilization will remain intact as long as it fulfills the collective and individual requirements of human beings. When ever a certain faction of people develops culturally and greater part of people remains uncultured and poor then it is the demand of the time to demolish that culture. Because it will result in the denial of vital needs of life to majority while a marginal people will take pleasure in prosperity. The capabilities of community are exhausted and no body thinks about for common cause. Every body tries filling his belly, even if the neighbors die of starvation. An uprising is the final remedy in this state of affairs.
In this situation if all the groups of society are not paralyzed, one sect will come forward to replace the deserted part of society. They will detach the brutal group from politics. And a new civilization will be developed, leaving aside the earlier one like shabby dress. French, German, Russian and Turk revolutions, evolution of democratic government of England, are examples of domestic disagreements. But if all the segments of nation are paralyzed so that they are not competent to lead, then an outer nation will come forward to fill up the gap. And a new system is established for development.
After a revolution a large group which was working only as supporter but did not played active part, it will have an effect on the revolution by their deeds and manners. But their effect is only