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Marina Rose, a Santa Monica based Theta Healing practitioner describes this process:  “I just keep asking he right questions until I find the jackpot of answers that I’m looking for and locate the bottom line belief or beliefs that are holding a person back from healing or achieving what they want to achieve in their lives.”

This technique is echoed by many other Theta Healing practitioners, who treat see a large cross section of clients that come from all walks of life, and from all over the world. Many of these clients seek help from Theta Healing because they have emotional or physical illnesses that have not been relieved by traditional doctors and therapies, even after years of treatment.  Practitioners have observed that her clients are increasingly more aware of the mind-body connection in achieving complete health, and that they are seeking out alternative therapies that do not rely on long term dependency of pharmaceutical drugs, which often offer little relief.  Marina Rose notes that “This drug dependent method of treatment often makes the patient worse–mentally, emotionally, physically and physiologically.” She frequently hears a similar theme expressed by many of her clients.  “They are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to become healthy, and to fully participate in their own lives once again. They want to be in charge of their own lives on all levels.”

About The Author:

Marina Rose, Founder and Executive Director of the Marina Rose, School Of DNA Theta Healing™ has been a Healing Arts

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