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Agenda 21, the CFR, the Bilderberg Group. The proof is in the way they have been systematically spraying the skies of this planet for 4 decades now, and denying it. Just go outside and look up, or if you don’t get out much – look up “Chemtrails” on your Google. Lots of theories about this one; are they dumping chemicals that cause or inhibit global warming? Are they forcing some mind altering drug on everyone? Is it connected to the HAARP technology? Is it killing off the bees? Weather creation? Population control? Let’s get some answers, after all – we’re being sprayed like cockroaches, and our tax dollars and health are paying for it.

More proof

The proof is in the way I have yet to hear one cogent, logical explanation from the US government about key issues concerning the 9/11 tragedy, like WTC 7 and its mystery collapse, like molten metal found under all 3 sites, like stand-down of the military, like put options, like war-games, like gag orders, like evidence destruction, like the first time the NTSB doesn’t do an investigation on a plane crash, like many warnings not to fly, like melting of steel by jet fuel, like no black box recordings released, like wire transfers of money to supposed terrorists, etc. One of my biggest proofs is the fact that the upholders of the official story continue to shout smears and ad hominem attack on anyone who questions any of these anomalies – but absolutely refuses to address the issues raised and offer resolution of the incongruities put forth. The proof is in the way I’ve sent many letters to politicians, newspapers and magazines concerning 9/11 truth – and not one single person has ever had the decency to write me back, or even acknowledge receipt of my communication –

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