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starts, we immediately begin parroting the official myth fed to us by the news media about this event. Talk is about Osama and the crazed 19 Muslim hijackers. Ooh boy, those rag-heads are goona get theirs, those bastards are sure to pay – I hope Uncle Sam really nukes them back to the stone age for what they’ve done, and on and on we chattered for days and weeks, all the while being spun and manipulated as always. The biggest “frozen moment” of my life so far.

I’ll never forget that day and the horror of watching those planes hit the towers, or the people falling to their tragic deaths, and like the other “shock and awe” moments, I can literally close my eyes and transport myself to that situation, just like I was there at that very moment. And when I remember, the images and ideas as portrayed to me by my lifelong companion the television are there in my mind, with the pictures, movies, sounds – Nay, it isn’t really there with me – it IS me. I’m nothing more, at those times in my life, than a biological download mechanism that will barf up all the crud it’s been fed by the societal teat from which I’d been trained to suckle on for all my ideas and opinions since birth.

And so another 5 years will elapse, almost every single day – let’s catch some news and see what’s happening, let’s tune in before bed and follow that story, let’s wrap our life around this version of reality, which is hardly any reality at all. But I still didn’t know that, not until 5 full years after 9/11.

“Doubt is the vestibule which we all must pass through before we can enter the temple of truth” – osho


Thank you 9/11.

Once I saw the truth about this event my

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