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but finding out the truth is not any indication of how intelligent you are – that judgement comes later. It took me 5 years, not because I couldn’t understand it, but rather because I was unaware of it, and didn’t even consider that what I was told was false.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei

It’s the classic difference between ignorance and stupidity – I was ignorant, I became aware of the facts, no more ignorance. A stupid person, however, continues to believe something even after receiving lots of information to the contrary. If you don’t know the truth about 9/11 you must educate yourself, if you do know the truth then you are compelled to educate others. Looking back is not easy, neither is facing the real truth about the situation now. I disagree with those who say, never mind 9-11, let’s deal with the war, or the environment – there are all these other problems now – that was 6 years ago. WRONG – BIG X on that one. It is my firm belief that if we are unable to approach the biggest examples of deceit and injustice so prevalent at this very moment, it behooves us to examine that which is really important in our lives, not to mention any concerns of social conscience or morality. I’m so sick of hearing about the “war on terror”, about “al Qaeda”, etc. So much suffering and injustice has resulted from the continued insistence on this mythology – predicated on the lie of 9/11.

“You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy” – David Cross

“The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein

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