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This issue calls everyone to account, you have to make a decision, and its not a happy conclusion to arrive at, so many prefer to remain comfortable within the lie – the problem being, there are many fellow human beings on this planet who are getting killed every day, right now as a matter of fact. Each day this continues we must ask ourselves how and if our actions, or non actions, are contributing to this injustice. It sickens me, I hate this situation – I didn’t create it yet I must face this moral dilemma – if I don’t speak out against it and do everything within my power to change it, then I must admit I’m part of the problem that allows it to continue. I don’t want my great great grandchildren to look back and say, “Why did the people of WWII Germany and 21st century America allow Hitler and Bush to gain so much power and commit such atrocities?” “Gee, I don’t know, Fleeble-Bop Four of Seven, I guess those people were just spineless sheep”.

“He who allows oppression, shares the crime.” – Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin

“Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.” – Gandhi

When I was young I used to enjoy watching those old WWII movies, and I’m sure that like most people, along with pretending I was one of the valiant heroes being portrayed, I wondered how folks in Germany could allow Hitler and his Nazis to gain such power in that country. Now I understand, many of the German people were as much victims as all of us at this moment, unable to voice their opinions without being ridiculed and attacked, rights and freedoms taken away by a fascist state, having to bear the ignominy of witnessing your government commit acts of genocide,

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