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terror and torture, all the while pretending to be noble and good. And let’s not forget our old friend the television – gone are the days of my youth when we could witness some actual journalistic integrity on the news, along with some innocently entertaining shows like “Gilligan’s Island”. Now we must listen to the corporate propaganda machine spew forth so much sewage they call news, all the while trying to amuse and divert us with salacious filth and mindless stupidity dressed as entertainment.

“Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues.” Napoleon Bonaparte

I used to think that knowledge of humanity was cumulative, that we could learn from the examples throughout history and say, no, Nazi Germany could never happen now, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just a one-off, we’ll never make those mistakes again. True freedom must be defended continually, and against all enemies. People have asked me, aren’t you afraid of speaking out about 9-11, aren’t you worried? Now whom should I be worried about, the awful Muslim radical type Al Qaeda terrorists that have been so well defined by the US government, or the US government itself?

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

Come on folks, is anybody really falling for the oldest trick in the book? First, you must make the people afraid that they will be attacked, so we attack ourselves and frighten the bejeezes out of everybody, then we smear and vilify anybody who doesn’t defend our position as being unpatriotic, and sympathetic to the terrorists. It’s the old “bait and switch” routine, and if you

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