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Things You Might Need to Practice Wicca/Witchcraft

Deciding what you need to practice witchcraft is almost as personal as the religion itself, with each incarnation finding some things that are more or less holy to them. Many witches desire an outdoor spot where they can build an altar while others have an altar in their homes.

Some ornately decorate the altar with an altar cloth, usually amde of purple or white, and the host of generally needed spell components kept at the ready. Others, who are less open about their practice of the craft, may have a traveling altar which can be set up and reconsecrated as needed. Many have children and pets to be concerned with and do not leave sharp knives and candles lying about.

Each spell will have different items that it requires and some will require nothing at all. Those items would be in addition to the basic supplies listed below. In addition, remember that these items are largely chosen for their representational nature and in a pinch, a witch can substitute something else that seems appropraite. For instance, people on board a ship or in a dormitory where an open flame is prohibited can use a flashlight in the place of a candle.

Here are the basic supplies needed and a good supply of herbs is also recommended.

Basic Tools

There are certain things that spell makers, whether they are working in a group or own their own, will likely need. The following covers most of them, but do not feel that you need to rush out to gather all of these things immediately. You can always improvise and gather the components as you go along, so long as everything that you use is properly consecrated.

An Altar

This is simply put, a

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