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This Is Muhammad School- 5

This is Muhammad School-4


This article throws some light on the manner, behavior, Clemency and Conduct, of the Prophet Muhammad and how he used to deal with the pagan and the rude people.


(1) Abdullah ibn Amr (one of Muhammad’s Companions) narrated:
“Allah’s Messenger neither spoke in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally.  He used to say, ‘The most beloved to me among you is the one who has the best character and manners.'”

Also, it is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said in a Hadith:
“The most Perfect believer in respect of faith is he who is best of them in manners.”


(2) Qatadah (one of Muhammad’s Companions) said that the Prophet would supplicate:

“O Allah, I seek your protection against undesirable manners, acts, and desires.”


(3) It is narrated that Prophet Muhammad once said:

“I am but a servant, I eat as the servant eats, and I sit as the servant sits”


(4) It is also narrated that the Prophet Muhammad would tie his own camel, feed his own animal, eat with the servants, knead dough with them, and carry his own groceries from the market.


(5) A man called Adi came to the Prophet Muhammad to ask about Islam, so Muhammad invited him to his home. When they sat down, a small girl brought a pillow to the Messenger of Allah; however, he placed it between him and Adi and sat on the ground.  Later, Adi said: “[When I saw that] I knew that he was not a king”


(6) Anas ibn Malik (one of Muhammad’s Companions) narrated:
“I was walking with the messenger of Allah and he was wearing a mantle of Najran (a city in the south of Saudi Arabia) with a thick

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