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Question by Shel K: This is not an advertisement of any sort, it is a legitamite question of opinion! Would you shop here?
There is this shop I want to open. The name is Cameo.

In my little town, all you can buy is preppy or slutty clothing, unless you shop at Hottopic.

Unlike the open shops in the mall where you have to pull down metal gates, the space I plan to rent is a classy little shop style with French doors that I can lock when I close up. Although the carpetting is weird blue/green/grey and the walls are white with pink accents, but I can change this if I make a large deposit. I plan to paint the walls a pretty pale purple shade, the carpet a deeper almost black shade and black accents like curtains and draperies.

I plan to sell good old fasioned, real-deal corsets, open cataloges for formal wear they can order through me, high end classy lingerie, more modern “Goth/punk/skater” clothing and accessories, as well as classic Gothy type jewelry and some religious pieces (and not just Christian. Catholic, Pagan, etc)

If you lived in a little hick Protestant town, would you shop here?
The trend in my town is “goth/punck/skater” lol
I wasn’t trying to be condescending lol. But when you live in the middle of nowhere and the only acknowledgement your town gets is that it is only one in the tri-county area with a Wal-Mart, you kind start to hate the way churchs give you evil stares for wearing your piercings and chains.
To my_chem_gc- as some one who takes active part in these subcultures (not to say that I am Goth or skater or punk or emo, ew, scary, I’d hate to be emo!) I full and well know that clothes ultimately have nothing to do with the subculture. However, the stereotypical style of these subcultures are taken and used as marketing “trends”
For example, Avril Lavigne with the “skater/punk chick” style. Before Avril, the preps wore those really annoying American Eagle crap and so forth. Then comes Avril. Suddenly, all the preppy girls think it’s cool for chicks to skateboard, they started wearing baggy cargo shorts, wife beaters, arm warmers and loose ties. Their eyes have gone from creamy pastels to completely smoked out black. Their hair isn’t bouncy and wavy anymore, but suddenly pin straight and black on bottom.

Anyone involved in a subculture knows that something labeled with that group’s name does not make it “compliant” But to the outside world of preps, anything popular is trendy.
And Goth/punk/skater is currently popular.

Best answer:

Answer by ?Queeny?
Yes Id shop there.So pursue your dreams and go for it!Good luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to This is not an advertisement of any sort, it is a legitamite question of opinion! Would you shop here?

  • psychoticangel_kitty says:

    uhm i dontknow about the hick town but i would at least browse through just for the goth/skater clothes and the lingerie

  • firestone says:

    I’de shop there for the corsets!

  • hardlyxladylike says:

    I live in a hick town (haha) and if someone opened up a shop like that, I’d definitely go check it out.
    My little sister was searching high and low for a corset over the summer.

  • giddiupj says:

    wow. personally, i wouldnt even look in your store as im a t-sirt and jeans kind of guy. Nobody that i know is into “goth” or anything like that so i would have no reason to even purchase a gift in your store. it seams like you have really narrowed your idea and concept down to a very slim majority of people. i have owned businesses in the past and you need to go with the trend and keep up with it. just my honest opinion. best of luck on your endevours.

  • Amy R says:

    I don’t know if I would search your store to shop there. but if I was walking past I might stop in. The real question is are there enough people in your town who will shop there? That is waht you need to be asking. But yeah, I might shop there.

  • Wendy says:

    Sure I would look and see what you have you never know until you stop and look, sounds like a real neat place good for you.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • TypeANegative says:

    Sure, why not.

  • mychem_gc_27 says:

    goth and punk and skater and emo are not styles or trends.

  • mjcalyx says:

    You definitely have a “niche” market for your area which is key to being succesful. You don’t want to compete with the Walmarts and the other department stores. But, since this is a “niche” market, you also need to do some research on whether there’s enough people in your town who are into goth/punk/skater clothes. If you have a niche market, but don’t have enough people to support that market, then the business will fail.

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