Get Adobe Flash player This documentary will educate, shed light and explore the many theories of the souls purpose. Our goal is to cover various areas of energy medicine, paranormal encounters, holistic healing, Eastern medicine and much, much more. The Path will show the metaphysical to the mainstream audience and then prove it using quantum physics and string theory. One of the goals in making the documentary is to continue to raise the vibrational level of the universe and shed more light on the realm of holistic healing. It is the hope that this documentary will eliminate some of the fear associated with death and answer more questions about spiritual realms in order to allow people the freedom to make their own informed decision about life after death with the new knowledge they learn from The Path documentary.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is video 01 of the series on Excessive Exercise and Happeh Theory. This video is one of the best videos produced for Happeh Theory as of 6-2008.

44 Responses to Thomas Campbell – The Path Documentary – Interview

  • Zivi11 says:

    tbh m8 i think this guy is serious

  • silentfart101 says:

    “the penis which is involved in masturbation” no shit sherlock happeh

  • silentfart101 says:

    happeh you are living in coo coo land! no in fact i don’t beleive this guy is seroius, he’s posting all this bullshit acting serious about it just to see how many people take his seriously, theres got to be a joke behind this or sumthing, no way this guy is for real, no ones that stupid

  • Zivi11 says:

    Yes einstien…
    this fucker deserved the nobel fucking prize.. talk about a smackhead! – starts lecturing me about two snakes!!? lay off the shrooms m8

  • sadiq445 says:

    i have been over masturbating from last 5 years n now i reallized that my right side of going towards downwards (both shoulder, chest and hips are uneven n ugly) muscles are also dead n my body became ugly ,
    please happeh help me i will be ur thankfull ..

  • silentthriller says:

    Happeh. You are on some serious substances. Great work though!

  • clutchoconnor says:

    you are, without a doubt in my mind, a fucking retard. a proper fucking idiot

  • Roachclip250 says:

    i cant get over that the example person is taking a pose
    leaning over to one side

  • robertmaxwellproduce says:

    if jacking off does it then playing guitar has to

  • shadowcar88 says:

    I feel retarded watching this

  • DustyWtf says:

    Happeh wasn’t complaining about my lower left nut as I t-bagged him?

  • lilrubberducky2 says:

    Unintentionally funny and interesting.

  • happosai21 says:

    Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.
    — Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Minister 1977 – 1983

  • PhilipEbanks says:

    “decades of masturbation”

    LOL. Autowin.

  • horanboll says:

    this guy is on some reaaally great shrooms!

  • aFARTaDAY says:

    how to survive the NWO?

  • snowboarder8787 says:

    are these videos true?

  • meg5hates5you5less says:

    what the fuck???

  • piggyboy67 says:

    Maybe if he wacked off with his left hand more often his eye would get big. Wouldn’t that solve the eye issue? I mean, when I stand in the sun I don’t squint at all (thanks to my decades of masturbation the sun is no longer an issue). Dude – really. I keep saying I’m gonna quit laughing when I watch these videos but you are too much.

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