Part 1 of an explanation of Homosexuality and the Bible Download MP4 version here (You will need WinRAR to decompress) www.mediafire.com
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I made this video just to expose some facts about Christianity that people might not be aware of, you can call it a Hidden History lesson. Now, as far as African slavery & Christianity is concerned we find out that Some scholars estimate that 10-20 percent of the slaves brought over from Africa were Muslims. The film “Amistad” alluded to this fact, portraying Muslims aboard this slave vessel trying to perform their prayers, while chained together on deck as they crossed the Atlantic. Many of the Muslim slaves were encouraged or forced to convert to Christianity. Many of the first-generation slaves retained much of their Muslim identity, but under the harsh slavery conditions this identity was largely lost to later generations. In this video we also examin the Pegan worship of Christams. No one knows what day Jesus Christ was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover. One thing they agree on is that it is very unlikely that Jesus was born in December, since the bible records shepherds tending their sheep in the fields on that night. This is quite unlikely to have happened during a cold Judean winter. So why do we celebrate Christs birthday as Christmas, on December the 25th? The answer lies in the pagan origins of Christmas. In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. Raucous partying, gluttonous eating and …
@tonykeywest05 Oh give it a rest. It’s your stupid views that tarnish the way you read it. Man is flawed, therefore: YOU are flawed. nothing in any lines specifically reference homosexuality. you just make up stupid stories to warrant your own bigotted views. Try giving some proper evidence instead of spouting the same bullshit.
@tonykeywest05 Oh and by the way I don’t reject God. I’m Christian through and through. Love thy neighbour. There are no references to homosexuality being wrong in God’s eyes. You need to re-read your bible you poor deluded soul.
@tonykeywest05 You seriously need to get a life m8. If you think insults are gonna change me you got another think coming. Go say your hail marys and pray for an education.
@tonykeywest05 Keep your bigotted comments to yourself and go join the backward minority that still think that’s acceptable. Oh and by the way: You’ve been reported to Youtube for removal.
oh lay off it you obnoxious git. my view’s the same as urs (supposedly). You could have just commented for me to re-watch it. Jus coz i cudn;t be arsed sitting thru the drivel and mistook the title for homophobic because I was tired one evening, doesn’t mean you have to act like a prick. Just let it go. Try breathing through your mouth once in a while. FFS.
This video is brilliant, I am not surprised it has 3-star rating. most homophobes are homophobes for life, , many of which are just closet-cases in disguise.
the other half of the low stars are probably overly political gays who didnt bother watching it, but poorly rated it because of the title. I am very impressed ItsDaSuperfly, well done!
dude, did you even watch the video, or are you purposely being dumb? This video in no way says that God has a problem with gay people.
did you even watch this video dumb ass? the title is to attract attention, the content is based on destroying literalist views of the bible. An ANTI HOMOPHOBIC view.
I’m reporting this video for inciting homophobia. Just because you’re unable to read the bible properly and have some twisted view of gay people,doesn’t make it right.I suggest you read reyvisigodo’s comments explaining it properly.Then you might actually understand. God has no problem with gay people. It is ur flaws as a human being that is warping your view. Let’s hope you carefully re-read the passages taking into account reyvisigodo’s comments.People like you make me ashamed to be christian.
Likewise, Wyatt has argued that the standing stones he has found are anchors, while Terian is aware of similar stones outside the Durupinar site area that were pagan cultic stones later converted by Christians for Christian purposes.”
Sounds like just about everybody, religious or not, think that Wyatt’s findings were nothing but hoaxes and bad research.
Wyatt’s fellow evangelicals have disregarded him: Answers in Genesis called Wyatt’s claims fraudulent, a Seventh-day Adventist professor of archaeology sums up Wyatt’s Noah’s Ark and anchor stones claims in these words: “While the Durupinar site is about the right length for Noah’s ark, it’s too wide to be Noah’s ark. Wyatt has claimed that the “boat-shapedness” of this formation can only be explained by its being Noah’s ark, but both Shea and Morris have offered other plausible explanations.
Joe Zias of Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has stated that “Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. … [His claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc.”
Whose doing the debunking-
Then why are the only references to finding those cities found always debunked as hoaxes?
Actually we DO know the locations of these cities and this is not a fable but a true account in Biblical history- Ron Wyatt has discovered these cities and has examind the original sulphur balls still evident in the limestone – all Scripture is Truth- Christ spoke of them as so
Great work!
Part IV Male & female pagan, temple prostitution of the surrounding countries of ancient Israel was not to be practiced in Hebrew places of worship. Got it? Get it. That is why David & Jonathan’s (both were bisexuals),, homosexual relationship was OK with God; because it wasn’t pagan, temple prostitution related.
Part III Therefore, why did the translators of the original Hebrew mistranslate the male noun qâdhêshm as Sodomite instead of male whore when they translated the female noun qedhêshâh as whore or why didn’t they translate the feminine version into “lesbian” or equilvalent thereof in Jacobean English because the word “lesbian” doesn’t appear until 1870? Homophobic discrimination is the answer.
Part I KJVof Deuteronomy 23:17-18 reads: …There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel… HOWEVER, the original Hebrew reads: …i, lo’-thihyeh qedhêshâh mibbenoth yisrâ’êl velo’-yihyeh qâdhêshm ibbenêy yisrâ’êl… Re: the words qedhêshâh & qâdhêshm in the above Hebrew passage, Qedhêshâh is the femenine noun in Hebrew for temple prostitute & qâdhêshm is the masculine noun in Hebrew for temple prostitute.
The various homophobic mantras repeated by homophobes of religious fundamentalist ilk, including the “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with women,” are explained by rabbis who know how to read, write & speak biblical Hebrew. The Bible didn’t fall from heaven written in English. Visit Rabbi Gershon Caudill’s web page (Google using keywords “Gershon Caudill homosexuality”) for expert, knowledgeable opinion on what the Bible REALLY says regarding homosexuality. Don’t rely on false translations.
The Bible’s own list of the sins for which Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed does NOT contain homosexuality. Ezekiel 16: “…49Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, & abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor & needy. 50 & they were haughty, & committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away…” If homosexuality was THE sin, it would’ve appeared unmistakenly identified at the beginning
If ALL the men of Sodom were homosexuals: (1) why did Lot offer his two FEMALE daughters to homosexuals? (2) How did the city? keep itself populated if ALL the men were homosexuals? Abraham & Lot shared the traditional family value of incest because the Bible says Sara, Abraham’s wife, was Abraham’s father’s daughter (half sister). Moses & his brother, Aaron, were offspring of nephew & aunt. In Song of Songs a man sings about ‘my sister, my bride” under whose tongue he found milk & honey.
The phrase “all the men of Sodom” in the story of Lot & the 2 angels gives a “homosexual spin” to the alleged gay gang rape, however, the phrase is translated from the? Hebrew word “Am” which means a group of related people (nation or kinsmen). The mob consisted of men, women & children of both sexes who were out to humiliate “strangers/foreigner/spies(?)” in Lot’s house. Lot wasn’t a native? born citizen of Sodom either. BTW, Lot got his daughters pregnant in a drunken bout, dirty old man.
If you don’t have academic credentials as proof you can read,? write & speak biblical Hebrew, your opinions re: homosexuality have no credibility. False translations & their consequent false interpretations are not the TRUE Word of God. Rabbi Gershon Caudill whose ancestral language is HEBREW states that the Bible (OT) does NOT condemn homosexuality per se but rather pagan temple masculine prostitution. Google search for “Gershon Caudill homosexuality.” ? YouTube comments doesn’t allow URLs.
Very interesting video. I doubt it’s going to change any view though. Modern Christians are more likely to trust the word of someone who says they’ve read the bible, than actually reading it themselves.
All the centuries of mistranslations aren’t helping either.