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his patients would undergo surgery to correct birthmarks or facial damage caused in an accident, and then still think of themselves as ugly, despite the evidence in the mirror to the contrary.

Psycho-cybernetics utilizes thought power in the Theatre of the mind, a place inside your mind where you go everyday and play out scenarios of how you would bring about changes in your life right down to the level of envisioning what you will say to others to cause the changes and events that you desire to take place.

We all have the power to do this – you don’t have to be Dr. Maltz or Tony Robbins to use your thought power in this way…

All of the new and wonderful information contained in the book The Secret was actually written many years ago in books that are now in the public domain. One such book is As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. In this book he teaches that our thoughts change when we raise the level of our vibration to a higher level.

Our thoughts have the power to heal us or to kill us. Think for a moment how you feel after you have gotten angry and gone off on someone.

While it may be good to get an injustice off your chest, the very act of sending out angry thoughts can make you physically ill. Likewise, thinking happy, uplifting thoughts will make you feel much better…

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