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Tibia Bright Sword Quest Guide

The quest starts at the Outlaw camp, first you need to get 3 keys which are hidden in dead trees. There is 1 dead tree in the black circle, right click use on it and then you get key 3301, in the blue circle you’ll find also a dead tree, open it to get key 3302. In the red circle is also a dead tree, also right click use on it to get key 3303.

 Now that you have the first 3 keys, time to get the last key, you need to go to the so called “Snake-shaped room” the entrance to this cave can be found.You will need a shovel to open the hole.The hole is 1 square meter next to Dyloslawer.Go down the hole, in this cave are some Rats and Wild Warriors. Follow the lightblue line.You need key 3303 to open the door with the switch behind it, do this and move to the room south of the room with the switch. If you did correct, this oven should not be there anymore.Behind the oven there is a chest, the chest contains golden key 3304.

 Next step is putting the barrel in position, you must have a barrel, nothing else. The hole is in the black circle.Open the hole, put the barrel in it, then move it in the next hole.Now you must place the barrel on this lightblue spot.The barrel must be on that square, else you can’t rope it.Now move back and head for the minotaur tower and go up the tower. Go up the stairs twice, don’t go down the hole unprepared, there are 2 Giant spiders down.Go down the hole when your ready, kill the 2 Giant Spiders You will need 3 parcels or the levitate spell to go down here.When you are down, there will be 3 Orc Berserkers and some other weaker orcs, kill them.

 The next step is to sacrifice a Power ring to move a wall. You must place the power ring on the desk and then pull the switch, the desk can be found Place the ring on the desk, pull the switch.Now you must rope the barrel.You can’t go there until you sacrificed the Power ring, else there will be a wall blocking the way.Now follow the lightblue line and rope the barrel. NOTE: DO NOT GO DOWN THE HOLE! Else you won’t be able to come up(unless you are with 2 or more people).You can’t go there until you sacrificed the Power ring, else there will be a wall blocking the way.Now follow the lightblue line and rope the barrel. NOTE: DO NOT GO DOWN THE HOLE! Else you won’t be able to come up(unless you are with 2 or more people).Once you get down there will be 2 beholders and some ghouls.Kill the ghouls and beholders, then go past the lvl 45 door and place the barrel here (after the lvl door there will be 2 Demon skeletons).The barrel must be placed on the black dot.

 Now 1 member of your team must go back to pull the lever to make the wall move. If you are alone, you will have to go past the Giant Spiders again.Go to the place where you roped the barrel, then out of the cave.Go down at the dead body, don’t go up the tower.Go to the north, there will be 2 doors, these doors need key 3301 and 3302.You will find another door, this door is not locked, go down the stairs and move the switch there.This is what the floor looks likes when the switch is turned, this quest can only be done once a day.

 Now go back to the place where you roped the barrel, stand on the place where the barrel was, and then let yourself be roped by your team member(if you are alone you should go past the Point of no return again).To get the loot, go to the floor with the Lvl 45 door and move to thereIn the room passed the wall(the wall which you couldn’t pass before the switch was turned) will be several Demon Skeletons and Skeletons.

You need key 3304 to open the door and in the chest will be a bag with a Red Gem and a Bright Sword. is an provide superior tibia money or tibia gold,Cheap Tibia power leveling,tibia items and tibia accounts.

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