So what sort of ‘thing’ is considered aggressive sex? You should make all your movements firm and deliberate, be forceful without causing harm; for example, forcing her against the wall and holding her there firmly with a hand holding her neck, or maybe with a fist full of her hair. Being held ‘in place’ is very sexy because you’re being completely controlled.
You need to take control of all her movements, open her legs with a free hand and force your leg between them to prevent her from closing her legs. All of your movements should be brash as though you’re pissed off, and maintain eye contact as much as possible.
Kissing and biting are really important. Kiss her deeply on the mouth forcing her to move her head back. You can kiss her skin but do not nibble or caress, hold her flesh between your teeth in a bite like pose but do not apply too much pressure so that you leave marks.
It is important to not remove too much clothing. Undo her top and lift her bra up to free her breasts, but do not remove these garments properly. This kind of role-play is about sexual need not skin to skin intimacy.
Pull panties to one side to gain access to see if your Hollywood style aggressive approach is working its magic, and exert your control by making her suck your finger afterwards. All this is symbolic of your power, your sexual prowess and your ability to penetrate her defences.
Just before the moment of penetration you should rip off her panties unleash your manhood and hold her down whilst you penetrate her in a wild frenzy of animal like passion.
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