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Learn how to create a great pop of color with the Black Magic technique!
Video Rating: 2 / 5

25 Responses to Tips & Techniques: Black Magic

  • HELLBURNZZ says:


    femoman has a point, its true 20% is what u use from ur brain 😀

  • femoman says:

    @HelloMrSal Well, I AM taking an A-level course in Psychology. I know what I’m talking about.

  • HelloMrSal says:

    We use our entire brain.
    Not 20% lol
    Please tell me were did you get this research from?

  • TheNaculangga says:

    she say wakokok!

  • hg1bbs says:

    Is there an explication on what is being done and what supplies are being used? Otherwise there’s no use for the video.

  • llmonreal says:

    NO SOUND!!!!

  • crotnem says:

    The video was okay, but no sound!!! What’s up with that????

  • hussam0ntreal says:

    stupid video

  • femoman says:

    Well, that is, if you believe in “right hand path” magick, which draws from devine beings. Not saying anything bad about it, but I prefer “Left hand path” magick, which is based around the self. This simply means that we actually have the power to do strange things with our mind alone. Think about it, we only use about 20% of our brains. Imagine what could happen if we could tap into the other 80%

  • panzerthecat says:

    No the problem is that black magic is INK for used with Caligraphy pens. Stay on topic people. lol!

  • formless777 says:

    The problem is that back in the day, the Jews were considered about as backwards and hick as we regard the worst rednecks. Anything they wrote was the rambling conspiracy ravings of the uneducated. The Bible contradicts itself repeatedly and makes stupid statements about physical reality. You wouldn’t ask Cleitus for his opinion, why rely on the ravings of bronze age Jews ?

  • lilch4mp says:

    didnt belive it till i experienced it

  • monkepinay says:

    OOOOHH! I figured it out! There’s no sound because you used unlicensed music on your video! Ha, you should re upload i with out the back ground music.

  • PoorPaintProductions says:

    Satan was not the inventor of “magic.” I’m not a christian but from what I have studied, the bible says magic exists, and was brought to us by the angels who were fathers of the nephilim. The angels showed us weapons of warfare, mirrors, and sorcery, among other things. The angels soon fell, then the great flood happened. The bible also says that we were supposed to learn about all of those things in time, and the angels brought them to us before we were supposed to learn them.

  • FMH2011 says:

    well, i don’t understand this video myself, but I do know that magic exist (not like harry potter or something), i mean real magic, that has been running since the mankind on earth. And who thought us magic?(not everyone know) Satan.

  • Lurpedninja says:

    do ppl really believe in this black magic bull shit and wiccan wtf i mean reading harry potter is one thing but fuck dont live it

  • kitty3309 says:

    I think it looked better without the white gel pen

  • lodman97 says:

    no sound!


    I guess the black magic couldn’t stop the youtube edit process!

  • mooma53 says:

    At first I was discouraged by the lack of sound but it paid off to just watch! Just love this idea. I’ll be using it!

  • boa1891 says:

    FYI it appears the audio was taken down due to a copyright claim

  • EdgeStormcrow says:

    black magic? that was a colouring in competition entrance right?

    is the video tagged correctly?

  • MagicalRandomRachel says:

    cool! nice, I like the card at the end

  • MagicalRandomRachel says:

    It’s a song by Ansey Pants called tree hugger 😀

  • blanchardla says:

    Love your video and the music, who sings that song?

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