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by erin m

Tips To Avoid Typos and Spelling Errors in Your Articles

Typos and spelling errors give writers a constant headache. Not only it makes the reading unpleasant but also it puts a doubt on your credibility.

Readers are too harsh when it comes to judging an author. They can overlook the content to some extent but typos and spelling errors are unpardonable. Unfortunately every body is a victim of these errors and sometimes these are realized after your work is published.

You have written a great article and are very happy with the content and language you have used. You submit that to various directories and on line article submission services.

You go for a review and there it stands out like a thorn. Jutting out of the rest of the article it makes you feel embarrassed. Oh God! How could I miss that! It is so ovbious.

But the situation is out of control now. It cannot be undone now. And everytime you have a look at that typo or spelling error, you will feel the twinge.

It is best to prevent them. Here are few tips to avoid and minimize your typos and spelling errors.

1. As for as possible write your article in an html editor. If you use word processor then turn the smart tags and quotes off. It is because most of the article directories publish the articles in text. When presented with smart quotes the browser converts them into some special characters like #@ or similar which irritates the reader. After you finish your article do run it through a spell checker. But do not trust this software completely. It is also limited by its input and programming. It will catch only those errors which it knows. It may miss the terms used in specialized fields. So concentrate on that aspect.

Moreover the spell checker will not understand the need of the

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