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Terence talks about the role of shamans in society, the woes of modern society, and offers ideas on what we might learn from indigenous cultures.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

22 Responses to TMK – Shamans and Culture

  • brummser says:

    here in the end he explains exactly why he really speaks for psychedelics so much more than for other spiritual ways!

  • brummser says:

    @PsychedelicShamanism Exactly! Dont try to master others.
    Master yourself
    your own sensees
    your own mind.

  • mos619 says:

    @certifiedpet maybe but i think its probably just a young enthusiastic mckenna

  • certifiedpet says:

    Is it just me or is the audio sped up?

  • demonfelix says:

    Long time fan of Alan Watts. Thanks.

  • TheElefaunt says:

    check out Alan Watts he is nice to listen too

  • fezzappa says:

    agreed- and until people are willing to let go of the past, religion will continue to seperate-

  • fezzappa says:

    yes it starts with each of us-

    however once we learn,we must “see” the rest of humanity”seeing” as well-

    it’s easy to look apon the human race with disdain and hopelessness-

    it serves us better,to “see” the human race “getting” it-

    critical mass baby

  • demonfelix says:

    Terence at one of his best.

  • stickystuff32 says:

    hehe mine too

  • yurko420 says:

    i love this man, he is my teacher.

  • PsychedelicShamanism says:

    Very well said. That is why I always tell people to go into the hills for a week, get rid of all the bad vibes, wait for that moment and then take mushrooms or salvia.

  • PsychedelicShamanism says:

    Focus on creating your own psychedelic universe, before you worry about the rest of mankind. I don’t see any hope of mankind ever learning, but you can reach understanding yourself, which is enough!

  • Goldenbindu says:

    Well, well, now, isn’t that quite the pre-condition? Can it ever be “correctly understood?” I think that it, like all other religious texts, can (and will) only be MISUNDERSTOOD. The truth, as always, has always been within.

  • littleredbirdy says:

    The Torah IS sufficient if correctly understood.

  • alchemistvstiger says:

    slide shows divert attention from the words.

  • kellyaesmith says:

    It has alot to do with where you are at in your shamanic journy phycadelics jive some peaple these insights he is talking about but other people remain just as dence. Ultimatly unless you sosiety suppors you eg native american cultures. The experience is not supported on that leve. Due to the unstable interactiveness with others vibers as a whole when taking things like mushrooms. you surroundins and support is crushal when embarking on these journeys These just a sighn post on our journey

  • NCEFMedia says:

    Classic McKenna. A slideshow would have been nice, I stopped watching and just listened once I realized that the picture wasn’t going to change. Your vid definitely focuses on the audio, and it was nice to just lay back and listen, so no criticism here. Thanks!

  • shamanhealer2012 says:

    awesome, thanks for posting!

  • bennyesod says:

    yes, tis “true enough”

  • EmeraldTriangleNews says:

    Awesome Talk by Terrence McKenna!

  • FocusedLove says:


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