Question by Cassie L: To All Wiccans…?
Okay, I just made myself a cloth bag for my tarot cards, and I was wondering if it was okay to put my crystals in there…. I’ve just dedicated myself to the Wiccan religion, and I can use all of the information that I can get. Thanks!
I am 17 years of age for those who wanted to know.
Best answer:
Answer by sparklesntwind
another lost soul…the angels are weeping in Heaven
Add your own answer in the comments!
I am not wiccan, tho I have alot of respect for the faith. i am Pagan. I see nothing wrong with doing it, but why not make another bag, so you have one for the cards and one for cryslals? many blessings
answer: yes. And take the following advice:
1)Ignore the fundies saying you’ll go to hell and are opening yourself up to demons. We don’t believe in either.
2)Get the book: Wicca, a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham ( used books is a great resource)
3)Avoid Silver Ravenwolf, DJ Conway and most Llewellyn books
4)Do NOT pay for lessons over the internet. You can’t ask for references. Do NOT give out personal information to anyone over the internet. Get a PO Box.
6)Learn and keep learning about various paths in paganism.
especially #6 – keep learning
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sparky – keep your weeping for yourself. We don’t need it.
Sparkles needs to zip it……
You can put them in there. You can do what feels right to you. A word of advice though, I would make sure the crystals are cleansed. If you recently got them there is no telling if they are positively charged or negatively charged. That can affect your cards….
I am no elitist. One of my best friends is a very devout Christian. This person did not ask if anyone is weeping for them and they are most certianly not a lost soul.
i’m 14 years old so i am just coming into my powers so I dont know everything right now except for the basics. my mom and my grandma are wiccan to so i am a third generation witch which my mom says means i have more power than she thinks i’m capable of.
Don’t know, and wasn’t going to respond because Norse Heathens don’t use either item, but I noticed one answer:
Telling sparkles that she “needs to zip it” is elitist, bigoted and smacks of censorship. Opinions are like anatomical orifices and giving an opinion is what this forum is about. The saddest part of this is that the person who gave that advice of ‘sparkles’ probably has complained about Xians being narrow minded and bigoted etc, etc…… what a piece of work.
Sure. Or you could make another.
Listen to Frau, she has exellent advice fr you.
To answer your question – yes, it is fine to put stones and crystals in the same bag or box as your tarot cards. I keep some stones in the box that holds one of my decks.
Take Frau Hunter’s advice as well. Keep studying and learning.
You should probably keep them separate, maybe in different bags. I mean I can’t imagine it would be a fiasco to keep them together- but it’s just my own opinion.
But you shouldn’t limit your questions to Wiccans- I mean tarot and crystals aren’t really part of the religion to begin with, even though quite a few Wiccans do practice witchcraft… it’s not the focus of the religion by any means. Honoring the god and goddess is.
Scott Cunningham is the best hands down (and i’ve read all the above listed for research and they are something to avoid at all costs.)
if i had any of my crystals left (somehow most to all my pagan things around here dissapear… mother doesnt approve, go figure) i’d put them with my tarot cards. i sleep with mine under my pillow, as well as use them for meditations.
you could also make another cloth bag, put some herbs and you’re crystals there as well. feel free to ask ( loves to ask and answer and learn bout other’s ways/thoughts.)
this is what i do, i’m not saying it’s right, i answered the question as an opinion, i didnt think other’s would view me so wrong for my own opinion on the matter., *shurgs* maybe i’m wrong.
I must disagree with my learned colleagues here. Although there is nothing wrong with keeping your cards and crystals in the same container, please consider that the stones may scratch the surface of the cards during transport. Be sure the cards are in their box or other protective cover. A separate bag would be best.
Merry Meet Sisters & Brothers. I really don’t have anything to add. The sage advice has been given. Just wanted to wish all of you a blessed , loving, and happy Litha (solstice).
There are some who do. I usually have a bag for each. Congrats. By the way, (Just curious,) how old are you?
Blessed be!
Actually, facade has the best answer.
Keep tarot cards in a box of their own, so they don’t end up scraped up.
If you want to put them in a pouch, put a box in the pouch.
Again, though, Crystals and tarot aren’t Wicca.
Try these for some Wicca information:
The information on the above 2 pages will give you a firmer grounding than 90% of the newbies on the net.