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Question by James McCarthy: To “No Chance Without Jesus”:I’m saying that you can’t define the natural with the supernatural?
Also, reality is not a painting or a book or a movie. Life has no plot or composition that you can see a creator’s “design” in. Life is not about good vs. evil. Life is just life. The “meaning of life” we have to supply, it is not built-in. There are no good and evil spirits. There is just one God. Period. There is no such thing as the supernatural. Supernatural means “beyond nature”. God is part of nature or I should say, nature is part of God. God though, does not manipulate nature any more than God manipulates us. God lets reality be reality. If God loved us He could never let anything horrible happen to us regardless of whether we are wretched sinners or not. Yet this is not the case, is it? God does not protect us, this is obvious.I believe God simply judges us and that is it. God is a metaphysical, not supernatural entity that understands the concept of love without actually feeling love. Again- you say “you can’t define the supernatural by the natural”, I say you can’t define the natural by the supernatural! This is not the Dark Ages, so grow up.

Best answer:

Answer by Fireball
some can when the spirit enters the person..

Add your own answer in the comments!

13 Responses to To “No Chance Without Jesus”:I’m saying that you can’t define the natural with the supernatural?

  • The Reverend Soleil says:

    The purpose of the forum isn’t to call out individual users — take it private.

  • TEH TYME KITTEH ~pantheist~ says:

    There is no such thing as the supernatural or the unnatural. Only the natural exists.

  • NERRRD says:

    You’re better off talking to a wall… Dead silence is a far more intelligent answer than you’ll pull from that user.

  • Basement Dweller says:

    Fireball… that spirit is in your imagination.

  • M to the R Mighty RA says:

    send him an email

  • Roadhorse™ One-Eyed Avenger says:

    There’s a little function called “Personal Messaging”…

    You might find it a lot more useful…

  • Kalee Jean! says:

    all of those things are your opinion.. and you’re trying to prove him wrong with your opinion? …..

  • Pulling Down Strongholds says:

    life can’t be just life. it has an Author, and life has a course to follow just as a seed takes root and bursts open to bear a certain kind and number of fruit. mankind is a seed. and all seeds are planted by a Sower.

  • The Wags says:

    you are making your own religion based on your own beliefs =
    false ideas.

    read the bible, dig deep and search for the truth with God’s help.

  • de ƒåç†ø atheist says:

    Defining an undefinable term such as “god(s)” with undefinable words such as supernatural or spiritual etc is a common practice but only makes you look unenlightened which is also undefinable.

  • Kharm says:

    God is by definition supernatural.


  • Thomas H says:

    You were right until you said that God does not protect us. He died on the cross to give us eternal life. To make this reality a new reality.

  • CNL: El Blu Demon says:

    Je suis un garcon mexicain.

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