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society turning its back on its very roots. The Chinese acted in a similar fashion, banning the use of Classical Chinese Medicine for well over thirty years until the 1960s.

Old v/s New

While modern science has indeed made great strides in many ways toward repairing and healing the human body and has even embraced a great many schools of thought when it comes to issues of the human mind, it has yet to fully accept that there is indeed a real connection between the two. Mind and body are treated as separate entities instead of parts of the whole. The common bond shared among centuries old wisdom around the globe has been put aside and scientific fact has been put in its place.

Today, the practice of such things as meditation, yoga, traditional native healing, Sufi Healing and Chinese medicine have found sanctuary under the broad-spectrum umbrella of Holistic Medicine. The healing methods of the Buddhists, Shamans and others are finding their way back into a society who hungers for answers they are not receiving from modern scientific research. Still, finding reputable and well trained practitioners can be a challenge in today’s civilized cultures.

Holistic Solutions through DVDs

The Center for Healing Arts is an organization that was created to help individuals who are looking for something that modern medicine does not give them – specifically an opportunity to learn and work toward mending the mind, body and spirit and realizing that they are all integral parts of what make us a whole and healthy being. Through a subscription based educational program, the Center offers DVDs on a variety of holistic healing practices ranging from Yogic Healing and

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