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Tree Top Lodge- Top Mountain Lodge Aberdare National Park Kenya

A morning mist drifts silently by. We’re on the roof top of the most famous tree house in the world, the tree tops.

There’s always something new to read and discover in its reign of history. Like, half a century apart, someone must have stood on an icy cold morning like this one, looking over the brow of the mountainous range. There was little to be seen because of the mist, I read in one of the books on the history of this world famous place.

In the written hand of Sherbrooke Walker who built he tree house in October 1952, he enters “it rained all night long”. Visibility was poor and the party which he escorted didn’t see much. But another party in 1952 spends six days in the tree house and writes “Six days and nights in the tree makes it seem much closer to heaven than earth. It is with regret that we have to go below “. Its writer is Almond al Millet from Hollywood. Could this person have been in the same party as the legendary Walt Disney who also visited Treetops in 1952? I wonder.

Dinner is served and interrupted by a party of elephants. For some, it’s the excitement of having the worlds largest land mammals in residence.

The night passes. God’s mighty mountain is well shrouded. Daniel Musau who has worked for the establishment for close to two decades and welcomed prince Edward and his wife at treetops tells us that when the mountain is invisible, it means the gods are having a closed door meeting. For the two days that were in its shadows,Kenyas towering massif remains hidden in the mists.

In the spotlight below, a baby elephant is busy trying to shake something off its trunks as the mother stays close bye. The

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