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Question by Space Cadet #5: Tricky question about beer, my wife, and lack of sex…?
My wife and I have had a terrible sex life for years, she’s never in the mood and she doesn’t communicate why or what we could do about it. Recently I brewed up a batch of weiss beer, which is her favorite style of beer. I’m hoping she will like it, and drink some, and that will have some magical aphroditic effect.

I’m designing the bottle labels tonight. What name should I call it?

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Answer by Badkitty

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28 Responses to Tricky question about beer, my wife, and lack of sex…?

  • cezani1 says:

    How much beer does you and your lady drink. Everybody but the alcoholic knows that too much beer will ruin your sex life. Not sure but beer seriously, beer is going to be your magic potion to woo your wife and make her your love slave for the evening.
    Tip one foreplay starts in the mind long before you two touch. So make some whoopee by chatting her up early in the week. Compliments, compliments, compliments. Genuine heartfelt displays of affection and notice everything, every little thing about her like how her hair smells beautiful, how cute her feet are, how the light catches her eyes. Forget the beer save that swill for your buddies. Show her how really special she is.

  • hardcoded74 says:

    Well considering your obvious intent why don’t you put it out there as what it is. “Date Rape” Beer. “Your tag line can When you absolutely. positively have to get some one way or another!”

    On the back of the label have a warning:

    Do not drink when pregnant as can be harmful. Advised to carry enough money for bail while drinking. Women are advised to take a morning after pill 24 hours after consumption. Can cause blackouts, loss of time, burning sensation in privates, bruising, funny taste in mouth, abnormal amount of “hair gel” on various parts of your body.

  • nakedgie says:


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