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Truth Behind Temple of Mecca & the Black Stone – [Tafsir al-Jalalayn] And did He not find you erring, from the [revealed] Law which you [now] follow, and guided you?, that is, and then guided you to it. [Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn Abbâs] Gabriel then said: (Did He not find thee) O Muhammad (wandering) among people in error (and direct (thee)) and guided you by means of prophethood? The Prophet (pbuh) said: ” Yes, O Gabriel! http Christ is Lord Islam is False DebateTv
Video Rating: 3 / 5

25 Responses to Truth Behind Temple of Mecca & the Black Stone

  • combatxs says:

    asshole, this is only translation problem.

  • Minionuup says:

    The black stone is a meteorite. Islam is a pagan off-shoot that worships the moon.

  • throbule says:

    Thank you – I was just expressing my self with the truth as I see it.
    I’m happy it touched you – Have a happy day man!!!

  • GHOSTTOYS says:

    @throbule wow i love that … seriously .. i am not english soo i cant find words like that but i understand them good and thoe word are real music to my ears because i tought of it but cant expre it as good as you did dude nice freaking explaination and exemple to i love that ill keep that message loll dude you kick ass …

  • throbule says:

    People who are drawn to islam are very often deluded and confused.
    Humans are religious by nature and need something to believe in.
    There are many evil paths that taste like honey to a foolish man, and islam is one of them.
    It is a cage of their own making, and because they are imprisoned by stupidity, they want all others to be in there too.
    They don’t claim ordinary people as converters to islam – it is always celebrities.
    This shows just how shallow islam is.

  • pppeaacceee says:

    -:Born hindu who sees peace in islam:-
    {2 questions which need to be answered}
    Q1. Which God did Lord Siva, Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Moses, Wahe Guru, Lord Buddha were praying to?
    Q2. Why human only believes when he sees, we were thought you cannot see god, then where is our faith?
    “When it comes to you, you cannot imagine & you will not believe it, because you want it to be your way”
    ::Ashhadu Allah ilaaha illa-Lah::
    ~:Peace to all:~

  • GHOSTTOYS says:

    @throbule dude it is soooo nicely say amazing dude

  • JLR0958 says:

    My friend; they are blinded by a lie and are weak minded.
    This is why many in prison turn to Islam; they are made to feel redeemed and they can keep their violent nature plus sexual appetites.

  • JLR0958 says:

    So in other words Mohamed was a great SINNER or A MAN OF NO MORALS.
    More has to be said and revealed about such things.

  • abduljakol1985 says:

    I strongly agree with the author,,, at least there is some one like him who really know the lies about islam….. it is now very clear to me that islam is a fake religion where its followers are forced to adhere…. religion founded by wars not love……muslims are blinded by their faith… they keep on memorizing koran without even understanding it…… and justify terrorism from korann… very worst thing…….

  • abduljakol1985 says:

    I strongly agree with the author,,, at least there is some one like him who really know the lies about islam….. it is now very clear to me that islam is a fake religion where its followers are forced to adhere…. religion founded by wars not love…….

  • loinmuslim says:

    @allahaleg You have lot of wrong information . you have to do reaserch and if you need the truth fallow only quran and dont read it out of context .and dont go to any translater by your choise go to a authentic translater to know the truth . if you go to a person of same caliber like you then you will not find the truth . as what all you have put rubish about islam when you do some this be true you are a cheristian and a miss guided one who jeses will aslo not show any mercy

  • akmusty says:

    the kaba was destroyed by a massive flood and disappeared from exsistance before Allah swt revealed to abraham where it use to exsist and abraham rh rebuilt it

  • Urarto says:

    The movie says its replica on earth is named Kaba. Do you know what replica means you ediot?? or shall I give you a lesson in English??

  • JohnGreen74101 says:

    Lol Coca Cola Means No Mohammed & No Mecca

  • hakunamatatatata says:

    if this guy that is doing the commentary on the video thinks he is so smart then why does he not have a live debate with a muslim scholar? why is it always a one sided video. “in the comment section of this channel? will be removed and if continued? will result in you being blocked” why? abit naive dont you think? LOL and anothing thing you need to speed your speach up what you just said in 10mins you cudav said in 2mins and saved us wasting our time listening to your annoying accent 😀

  • ak476223 says:

    frm this vid

    i got that we christains r jelus of muslims

    sham on u guys

  • ot44eto says:

    @jamshad187 this doesn’t correspond with the reality. First, there is not anthropological evidence that people develop sexually on 9-10 years. Or on 6 years. Second there is no single one evidence that she was 16-17. In opposite, in her own words she said that she was 6 and marriage was consumed when she was 9. If you disagree please show us the evidence. Show us where in Koran or hadit is written or is mention that she was 16/17? Let see how you support your lies.

  • throbule says:

    The Qur’an is an evil book which promotes terrorism.
    It condones rape, incest, theft, kidnapping, slavery, mass murder, and world conquest by killing unbelievers.
    It is repetitive, contradictory, and false scientifically and historically.
    Every fifth verse is senseless. There are no intelligent transitions.
    It lacks any logical organization by subject, context, or chronology.
    It is a childish rant revealing the demented and delusional nature of the idiot bastard mohammed.

  • jamshad187 says:

    @ot44eto In the quran mohammed story is not mentioned, or any of his marriages. Obvouisly you have not read the quran, these are in the hadith books which are teaching of the holy prophet (pbuh). It can be proved from these books that she was around 16/17 when the marriage was consummated, i’ll let you research that. Also in around that era teenagers were married in their early teens as life expactancy was around 40 years and also children developed earlier because of this.

  • jamshad187 says:

    @throbule If you take the the time and read the quran then you will understand that muslims are more like chirstans and jews. The muslims believe that the holy books of both chistians and jews have been corrupted by man, we believe in jesus, moses,noah, to be prophets of allah and also believe in the virgin birth. My advice is not to get information about islam from youtube or even a muslim, as they human and can make mistakes but go direct to the source the quran (the book).

  • jamshad187 says:

    the original video you showed was and abc production for an maerican channel, secondally arabic that you are showing is lawri farsi, which is old arabic therefore meaning are diffrent and not comparible to the arabic of today, good example would be old english would not be comparible to english today. Also if you go to different arabic countries the same word has different meanings. Also you cannot translate arabic into in english, although english shares 23,000 english words.

  • danishjafri88 says:

    dear frnd pls hear clearly…..again….no one said creation of earth …just creation(of humans)…ur english isnt that good….so pls improve ur english… infact u dnt know….nethng..if are so wise u will be knowing that Quran is not in prose but a poem…. and as in english poems words are used in similies and metaphors etc…so pls go do some proper research…u r just being arrogant ..peace be upon u brother…amen

  • ot44eto says:

    @polniski Oh really ? Did you read the Koran? Because I did. Take at look at your holy book again and tell me the age of Aisha again. Look at the facts and don’t lie. She was married at 6 but was ill. He was 54. When she was 9, Mohamed sleep with her….and btw. I’m not Christian so don’t throw gospels on me nor lies. I accept only facts.

  • AlbertKakiay says:

    @polniski Correct because in my Bible they translate the text to Allah.
    So I just using this to make it clear.
    I’m not using God as Allah.
    Elohim is not the name, Yeshuah thats the name of God.
    But for muslim Allah is the name of God, see the different.
    No God but Allah. or No Lord but Allah.
    Do you understand ?

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