HQ(stereo): www.youtube.com From the new dvd! Buy it! www.turisas.com Long have I drifted without a course A rudderless ship I have sailed The Nile just keeps flowing without a source Maybe all the seekers just failed? To Holmgard and beyond In search of a bond Far from home I’ve come But the road has just begun Breathing history Veiled in mystery The sublime The greatest of our time Tsargrad! “Come with us to the south Write your name on our roll”, I was told Konstantinopolis Sui generis The saints and emperors Of bygone centuries The man-made birds in their trees Out load their paean rings Immortality! In astonishing colours the East meets the West The hill-banks arise in their green In wonder I sit on my empty chest As we glide down the strait in between To Holmgard and beyond In search of a bond Distant church bells toll For their god they chant and troll Breathing history Veiled in mystery The sublime The greatest of our time Tsargrad! Konstantinopolis Ten gates to eternity Seen all for centuries Your inconquerable walls Your temples and your halls See all, hear all, know it all My sun rose in the North and now sets in the South The Golden Horn lives up to its name From tower to tower a chain guards its mouth Unbreakable, they claim To Holmgard and beyond In a search of a bond Adventures lie ahead Many knots lie unravelled on my thread Breathing history Veiled in mystery The sublime The greatest of our time Tsargrad! Konstantinopolis Queen of the cities Your …
lol, Warlord’s voice is just shot by this point in the show, hahaha. still FRICKEN’ AWESOME THOUGH. gotta see them again…
@manerexicmee They are not vikings They are Varagnians. And no it’s not a joke. They really believe in what they do, and they do it great!
These guys and Netta are insanely talented!
Fucking epic holy fucking shit!!! 10/5 hail to Turisas! m/
NUMMIROCK! that’s what he yells in half of these recordings!!!! I couldn’t figure it out
Such a beautiful interlude and violin solo at the middle. Would have loved to have been there.
Keep on rockin’ Turisas! m/
viking music? this is cool.
So epic, so great!
Hail, From America!
Keep on melting face, Turisas, you’re an inspiration to everyone, ESPECIALY me!
Yah, we should really be thinking about reconquering it.
this is fucking awesome
Konstantinoupolis the glory of the greek nations, Hail Hail holy city of konstantinoupolis..
jalame la verga pendejo no pude dormir…
it’s freaking awesome, right?
chinga tu madre
Queen of the cities (8) oh my god, love this song
OMG!!!! this is so so epic!!
9:00 is the most epic part EVER!
me encanta este grupo y si a ustedes no pues chinguen a su madre bola de pendejos
Fucking Epic.
pff, you are full of bullshit deathreash89. when there were ottomans there were nearly no varangians. in the battle of manzikert 40.000 seljuk turks fought against 100.000 byzantines, 60.000 varangians and some slavic and crusader armies and won. when they were in anatolia, it was chaos. of course both christian and muslim forces killed and raped in various times, especially in the crusades. these things are recorded in history, do some reading before talking bullshit.
1:09 he’s like “oh yeah!”