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it for you; you are not all that enthused to participate. People do what they do for the benefit of pleasure they receive. Believe it or not but in some cases {majority} pain acts as pleasure benefit for them. They, have not learned, (nor do they care to), at this juncture in their lives, that they, like everyone else must forget their own path without resistance, refusal, aid, benefit, help, support, validation and encouragement. In other words, they must, “…work out their own salvation through fear and trembling…” (Paraphrased)

We are going to get down to the nitty gritty in this house of the natal chart. It’s a tough nasty journey, but necessary. This is where the chicken squat hits the fan! First of all, you are human; and, because you are, you are fallible, deceptive and weak. Despondent, selfish, mad, vain, self-centered, whiny, envious, jealous, paranoid, defensive, phony, and typically dissatisfied; bottom line; you are ‘all about you.’ Dependent upon the sign (and the ruling planet) on the cusp of your fourth house, you will rise up in defiance to prove me out to be a vicious cold hearted liar. Or, at least, you hope I am. You know the meaning of working out your problems in solitude and secrecy but instead of doing what you KNOW is the only self-sustaining appropriate honorable action to engage in, you pretend to show another face for ulterior motives.

“It’s all part of the game”. (Convincing Breath) “I’m not hurting anyone,” you say encouragingly to yourself. “It doesn’t really matter; it’s not that big of a deal, anyway. What I did I did for his/her own good.” (Slight tilt of the head in affirmation.) “After all I do or have done …” (Congratulating yourself for the

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